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The East End
The East End neighborhood stretches to the east from the South End and Uptown neighborhoods between Canal Street and Gold Creek, which also serves as the boundary for Port Jervis.  Brewer's Creek and Maiden Creek (pictured above), run through the neighborhood.  The creeks have been greatly altered and they now run partially underground. Kingston Avenue is home to a few businesses in the neighborhood, including the deli at Hess's General Store.

The East End was home to McCathey's Beach, also called Neversink Beach and later Joyland Beach. The beach was located at the end of Lower Beach Road, although it is on private property today. The beach was named for Fannie Waymack McCathie (1868-1944) and David Morrison McCathie (1865-1948). David was the manager of the Boston Dry Goods store and the proprietor of the Peerless Neckwear Factory, downtown. Fannie was the inventor of a Puritan Collar and baby bib sold by Peerless. The popular beach, pictured in a postcard above, would eventually include a dancing facility and two hundred bathouses.
Kingston Avenue (U.S. Route 209) is the main road through this largely residential neighborhood. This is also State Bike Route 209, one of two bicycle routes designated by the New York State Department of Transportation, in the city. Canal Street, through the East End, serves as an on road section of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Trail. John Glenn Park in the East End is a small residential park with swings and a slide.
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